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Payment & Donations



If you are not in USDA or would like to pay directly, please use the payment  link  in  the  application  form or your Info Hub application.



  • Federal Civil Service Veterinarian Dues -                                                 $ 260 per year
  • State, City, local, tribal Affiliates Dues -                                                  $ 75
  • Private Practice Vets looking to transition to Public Practice -           $25 per year
  • Student Affiliate Dues -                                                                              $ 10
  • Para- professionals-                                                                                     $35                     
  • University Affiliate Dues -                                                                          $ 2,500 - One-Time fee (Covers all faculty members and all students)
  • University Affiliate Student Dues -                                                           Free
  • Public Health Service/ Uniformed Services Dues -                                Free         
  • University Affiliate Faculty and Staff-                                                      Free 
  • Gipson, Malak or Wilson Scholars -                                                         Free
  • Active Duty Armed Services/ Uniformed Services Dues -                    Free                                                            
  • Retired NAFV Members -                                                                           Free


Federal Civil Service Prorated Amounts

  •  January 1st-March 31st                                                                               $260
  • April 1st-June 30th                                                                                      $195
  • July 1st-September 30th                                                                            $130
  • October 1st-December 31st                                                                       $65



Please use the application form to select your membership type and method of payment.  Otherwise use the Member Info Hub to access your account.

Support Us

NAFV advocates for veterinarians in federal service, and emphasizes professionalism and expertise in federal service. We welcome donations of all sizes which will proceed to our three beneficiaries. Online donations are quick and easy using our secure credit card transactions.


Our Benificiaries:

•  AAVPM (American Academy of Veterinary Preventative Medicine)

•  Political Action Committee

•  Memorial Scholarship Fund


NAFV advocates for veterinarians in federal service, and emphasizes professionalism and expertise in federal service. We welcome donations of all sizes which will proceed to our three beneficiaries. Online donations are quick and easy using our secure credit card transactions.

Supporting the future of veterinarians offers a wide array of benefits, impacting the veterinary profession, animal welfare, the donors, and the organization itself. It's a powerful way to contribute to the health and well-being of animals and the professionals who dedicate their lives to their care.

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