Executive Board
PRESIDENT (2025 & 2026)
Dr. Trapp is a 2003 graduate of Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science. She served three years on active duty for the U.S. Army upon graduation and later joined the Army Reserves. Her Army service includes leadership positions serving as a veterinary clinic section chief, a civil affairs battalion headquarters and headquarters company commander, and civil affairs public health section chief on two separate deployments to the Horn of Africa. She’s worked with various governments, NGOs, and the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization throughout the Horn of Africa. After active duty, Dr. Trapp worked in private practice and ran her own relief veterinary service before joining APHIS VS in 2008 as an export Veterinary Medical Officer where she began an initiative to improve the efficiency of handling international pet health certificates. In 2009 she was mobilized to serve in Germany at the Grafenwoehr military base. At the end of her tour, she accepted an offer to serve as the full-time civilian veterinarian at the same clinic and remained in Germany until 2015.
In 2016, Dr. Trapp graduated with a Master of Peace Operations Policy from George Mason University. After graduation, she once again joined APHIS VS serving as a field Veterinary Medical Officer in Washington State where she continues her employment. She is currently pursuing her Master of Public Health and is only two credits from graduation in Spring 2023. She is the area aquaculture liaison and One Health Coordinator remaining active in various related working groups. Her familiarity with policy, governance and collective bargaining from when she was a member of the Association of Flight Attendants in the 1990s makes her an ideal candidate with a broad range of experiences who understands how to work in administratively challenging environments.
PRESIDENT-ELECT (2027 & 2028)
Dr. Neil Vezeau is a Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian with USDA FSIS. He has worked in Hawaii for 2 years at the human-livestock and human-wildlife interfaces. Neil additionally serves as a member of the AVMA’s Committee on International Veterinary Affairs, a project manager with the One Health Commission, and a founding leader of the International Student One Health Alliance. He also leads research and policy efforts in One Health, veterinary education, antimicrobial resistance, and gender equity.
Neil is excited for the opportunity to augment a community operating at the cutting edge of public health. He hopes to apply his experience in organizational leadership, nonprofit administration, and policy advocacy to further the interests of all U.S. federal and associated veterinarians. Emerging diseases and professional realities provide the opportunity to expand NAFV’s positive impact within our domestic and global society. Neil will work to elevate the NAFV as a premier professional association of animal and public health experts.
Dr. Angela McIntyre is Currently a Public Health Training Coordinator for the Center for Learning /Office of Employee Educational Development with the Food Safety and Inspection Service. Prior to that she worked as a Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian with the Office of Field Operations.
Dr. McIntyre is a 1997 graduate of Tuskegee University, School of Veterinary Medicine.
She has 20 plus years of knowledge and experience serving in several different roles that she believes will aid in meeting the mission of NAFV.
Dr. Joseph Annelli is a former USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Veterinary Services Senior Advisor for Agriculture and Health System (One Health Coordinator) and Director of the One Health Coordination Center. He retired this past January after a 32-year career covering a broad range of policy and program development to start his own consulting company “Practical One Health Solutions” A native of New York, Dr. Annelli received a BS in Biology in 1976 from St. Francis College in Brooklyn, NY, and a MS in Zoology with an emphasis on Oceanography and Wildlife Management from the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University. He received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at Del La Salle Araneta University in Quezon City, Philippines in 1983 after completing his senior year of clinical practice at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine.
Throughout his 32 year federal career he was (and still is) an innovative thinker and one who pushed the needle forward with things like eradicating avian influenza from the live bird market system in NYC, eradicating pseudorabies from the US domestic swine herds, introducing the Incident Command System to Veterinary Services, building the APHIS EOC, building emergency programs activities from being a second thought to a world class response organization. He managed USDA’s engagement in the White House’s Avian and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness implementation plan while on detail to the USDA Secretary’s Office, leading the USDA International Avian and Pandemic Influenza Response Team, developing a Crisis Management Center at the Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome, leading USDA on Global Health Security at the White House, initiating the USDA wide One Health Joint Working Group, the Federal Interagency One Health Working Group, and finally founding and leading the USDA One Health Coordination Center.
Dr. Annelli joined NAFV in 1986 and remained a lifelong member since then. He was recruited to take on the role of Executive Vice President in 2019 and expanded communications with members, redesigned the website and added member benefits and training opportunities.