
Ann Beebe - SPHV
Deanna Brown - SPHV Arkansas
Dr. Brown has been a member of the AVMA, NAFV and AAFSPHV for most of her professional career. She has served NAFV as FSIS Rep to the BOD as well as two terms as Secretary-Treasurer. Her interest in becoming NAFV President lies in her belief that NAFV is the primary voice to speak on behalf of federal veterinarians, to promote the value and skills that we bring to our agencies, and to ensure that decisions being made to reduce costs don’t reduce our ability to protect public health.
NAFV has made great progress, but she recognizes that we have significant challenges ahead. As federal agencies continue to change, NAFV is our voice to speak on our behalf. We must ensure that decisions made by Agency leadership doesn’t reduce our ability to protect public health. Her experiences in the military and FSIS will help her to serve you and to help lead our association as we negotiate these challenges.
Amy Gill - VMO Colorado
Theresa Martinez - SPHV
Angela McIntyre - SPHV Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands
Dr. McIntyre is a 1997 graduate of Tuskegee University, School of Veterinary Medicine. She started in the Federal community during the summer of her sophomore year of veterinary college. She worked with the USDA, APHIS,VS where she earned hands on experience with eradicating Brucellosis in cattle and Pseudorabies in swine in the state of Georgia. Also during that time with USDA, APHIS, she worked with veterinarians during the 1996 Summer Olympics where she was a part of the Piroplasmosis and Equine Contagious Metritis Surveillance Team for the carrier horses that were brought to the U. S. for competition.
Dr. McIntyre started working for the USDA, FSIS, OFO after graduating from veterinary college. She has 21 years of knowledge and experience serving in several different roles that she believes will aid in meeting the mission of NAFV.
“Knowing the history of veterinarians in the federal sector and seeing first hand the important roles veterinarians have in the safety and security of our nation’s health and food supply has afforded me an appreciation for what we have done and still do today. Our roles are filled with hard work and complex challenges each day.”
At any time, Dr. McIntyre believes these positions are under appreciated, under served, taken for granted, etc., she intends to be a voice and a strong advocate to make what’s crooked straight. Serving as a board member has put her in a better position to do so.
Barbara Porter-Spalding - VMO North Carolina
Dr. Barbara Porter-Spalding joined NAFV in 1994. She is a Swine and Emergency epidemiologist with the USDA, APHIS, Veterinary Services (VS), in Raleigh, North Carolina. She received her DVM from Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1991 and her Masters of Veterinary Public Health from North Carolina State University in 2007. In her current position, Dr. Porter-Spalding serves as an Epidemiologist/Staff Officer for Preparedness and Incident Coordination Staff
Before joining APHIS, Dr. Porter-Spalding worked in a dairy practice in south central Pennsylvania. After spending 2 years in Morocco in the Peace Corps, she worked with the Food Safety and Inspection Service in North Dakota, joining VS as a field Veterinary Medical Officer in North Dakota in 1998. She has been active in NAFV assisting the Reps and scheduling Chapter meetings for many years.
Barb’s desire to seek the Presidency of NAFV comes from a passion for the Veterinary Medical Officers and their career aspirations. As NAFV President she will continue to support and encourage the outstanding public service that veterinarians in Federal work are known for. Whether as field investigators, or program team managers, from Active Military to FSIS, each VMO has a critical role in safeguarding American agriculture and deserves active advocacy and support.
Robert Simer - VMO Texas
Dr. Simer is a graduate of the University of Illinois, 1989, and is currently a Supervisory Regulatory Veterinary Medical Officer in Waco, TX. Dr. Simer began his federal career as a SPHV for FSIS in 2006, where he eventually became an IIC, before transitioning to VS in 2014. He has served as Temp. Acting Assistant Director of Texas, Planning Chief for Indiana Avian Influenza Incident in 2016, and Deputy Planning Chief on National Incident Management Team Indigo, among other duties.
Dr. Simer is currently serving as NAFV-APHIS coordinator for Texas, and is pleased to now hold a seat as an APHIS representative on the NAFV BOD in the hopes of utilizing his experience in finance and statistics, combined with his passion for the federal veterinary profession.
Previously, he was the Area Veterinarian in Charge for California, Hawaii and Nevada and prior to that the AVIC for Washington and Alaska.
Linda Schlater- SVMO - Iowa
Lynne White-Shim - VMO - APHIS Animal Care Veterinarians
Dr. Lynne White-Shim is a veterinarian with experiences in non-profit advocacy and leadership facilitation, public service, clinical practice, and research. She serves as a Veterinary Medical Officer (VMO) with Animal Care, focusing on field inspections mostly within central Illinois. Lynne joined APHIS in September of 2017.
Prior to her service with APHIS, Lynne was with the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), where she served as a Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian, within a central Illinois market-swine establishment. Prior to starting her federal career in April of 2016, Lynne served for nine years as an Assistant Director within the American Veterinary Medical Association’s (AVMA) Division of Animal and Public Health in Schaumburg, Illinois. Prior to joining AVMA, she gained experience in clinical practice as a small-animal veterinarian in Washington, D.C.
Recognizing the importance of veterinary medical associations and advocacy for veterinarians, Lynne is a Coordinator for Animal Care. Although she is located in Illinois, Lynne serves as Animal Care's Coordinator across the U.S. since Animal Care is a small organization of mostly field veterinarians.
Lisa Whiting - AQT Plant Protection and Quarantine Veterinarians MI
I received a DVM from Michigan State University in 1983. After graduating, I worked in a mixed animal practice in northern Michigan. But as the economy started to slow and farmers weren’t able to maintain their farms, the practice was slowed down to a crawl and I left for a job at Dow Chemical. There I was part of a research team developing a human breast cancer cure. Working in industry was a very different experience. While at Dow, I met the USDA animal welfare Veterinary Medical Officer who inspired me to become a federal employee. Fate intervened when I received a recruitment pamphlet for the USDA. I applied for and was accepted into the Public Veterinary Practice Career (PVPC, or plastic pipers as we were known). The PVPC program was designed to recruit and train veterinarians who were more likely to become managers and the next generation of leadership in the USDA. I entered the program in September of 1987 and was permanently assigned to Michigan as a field VMO for VS in May of 1988. Out of all the duties in Veterinary Services, I enjoyed the animal welfare aspect the most. And, lucky for me, in October of 1988, the USDA moved the animal welfare inspections out of VS and into a new unit of APHIS called Regulatory Enforcement and Animal Care or REAC. I stayed with Animal Care for 9 years conducting inspections in Michigan and enforcing the Horse Protection Act at horse shows all over the country. By 1995, I wanted a change so I applied to VS again, only this time for the port vet position at the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit, MI. For three years I worked alongside the men and women of the US Customs Service, inspecting the animals entering our country from Canada. In 2000, a new group of VMO’s were being assembled to help protect the US from FMD that had ravaged England. The group was to be stationed at the ports of entry all throughout the US and were to be part of PPQ. So I joined the team of 12 VMOs in PPQ, ensuring that animal products and by products are safely imported into our country.